OSTC Wellness offers instructional coaching in nutrition for those who want to implement a healthier lifestyle, but would like assistance getting started. No matter your knowledge level regarding nutrition, we can help! We have two nutritional coaches who are certified through the National Association of Sports Medicine and Precision Nutrition. Our specialists are excited to help you start your path to a healthy, new you. We offer nutritional guidance by way of group nutrition classes, food log monitoring and/or meal plan counsel. Come see us today to start learning how nutritional changes can benefit you.

We conduct nutritional consultations where you are able to meet with our Certified Fitness Nutritional Specialists for a cost of $50.00. This 45 minute consultation includes discussion of your personal nutrition and health goals, medical and dietary history, and nutrition counseling and education. The nutritional consultant will also offer recommendations and guidelines to improve your eating habits. We will also provide you with a meal plan to take with you.

If you are interested in meeting with one of our specialists, please call 940-692-4688 and ask for Tana Drennan.

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