Dry Needling

Dry needling uses a needle to deactivate hyperirritable spots within the muscle. The goal is to decrease pain and restore function. The needles are inserted into the skin, into trigger points within the muscle or tissue. Trigger points are discrete, focal hyperirritable spots located in a taut band of the skeletal muscle. They produce pain locally and in a referred pattern. Chronic musculoskeletal disorders are also often accompanied with trigger points.

Trigger Point Dry Needling is not acupuncture. They are distinctly different in their approach and goals. TDN takes a more specific approach for with an individual trigger point and the goal of releasing pain. Acupuncture has a more wholistic approach and is often used to treat internal ailments and stress.

After a dry needling session, soreness may arise. It may feel like you have completed an intense workout; this is completely normal. The soreness may not set in for a few hours up until the next day, and it may last anywhere between 24 and 48 hours. Bruising of the treated area can occur, and is more common in the shoulder, face, chest, and sections of the extremities. Icing can help can with bruising. The aggravation of symptoms is normal and can be a sign that you need to quickly pursue a follow up with your practitioner for continued treatment.

In the 24 hours following treatment, it is highly recommended to increase water intake. This will help reduce soreness. Soaking in a hot bath or hot tub is also recommended to help decrease soreness. Using ice or heat may help with soreness as well.  Based on comfort levels after treatment, you may be able to stretch or workout and massage the treated area. You should continue to take any prescribed medication unless otherwise directed by a physician. Physical activity can be resumed as normal. If any of these activities hurt or increase symptoms discontinuing that activity is advised.

Following treatment, you should avoid any sports or physical activities that are unfamiliar to you. Do not try to do more than you would in a normal day, and do not drink alcohol in excess.

Kinesio Taping

The Kinesio Taping (K-Tape) concept is meant to mimic the application/placement of a therapist’s hands on the patient. The success of Kinesio Taping is dependent upon two factors; proper evaluation of the patient’s condition and proper application of the Kinesio-Taping technique. A thorough evaluation of the patient and the problem area allows a trained therapist to apply the correct taping technique to the proper tissues. Each element of the Kinesio Taping technique has a specific function.

Although a relatively simple product, K-Tape can be used to treat a virtually limitless number of ailments and injuries. By mimicking the qualities of human skin, K-Tape provides a proven, comfortable treatment to patients of any age or condition. K-tape is 100% latex free. It works by subcutaneously lifting the skin to improve fluid movement and alleviate pain.

There are multiple benefits that can come from the proper application of Kinesio Tape. It can decrease the pain in certain areas by relieving pressure and decreasing swelling. It can help to reduce pain and fatigue in the muscles, along with increasing range of motion and assist in tissue recovery.

Kinesio tape is often used in conjunction with other modalities, treatments, and exercises to help a patient regain full range of motion and strength. We have seen good results taping for the following conditions:

  • Shoulder Impingement/Pain
  • Patellar Tendonitis
  • Patellar Tracking Issues
  • Acute Muscle Strains
  • Hip Bursitis
  • Achilles Tendonitis

Laser Therapy

OSTC is proud to be the first and only clinic in the Wichita Falls area to offer LiteCure Laser Therapy. This is a next generation healing modality that is up to 3000 times more powerful than conventional lasers. Laser Therapy is an FDA approved modality that reduces inflammation and ultimately results in pain reduction. Laser Therapy is effective in treating acute pain, chronic conditions, and post-operative pain.

Laser therapy treatment is safe, painless, and fast. Deep Tissue Laser Therapy treatments are administered in 5 to 10 minute time segments and patients typically see results after 3 to 5 sessions. Deep Tissue Laser Therapy utilizes your body’s own healing powers by stimulating cellular activity. Despite short treatment times, laser therapy initiates a healing process that continues to actively reduce inflammation for up 24 hours. During treatment, you will feel a soothing warmth that identifies the beginning of an 18-24 hour process of modulated cellular activity leading to decreased pain and inflammation.

Laser Treatment (Photobiostimulation) causes physiological and biochemical events to occur within the cell. Some beneficial results include relief from pain, reduced inflammation, accelerated tissue repair, increased blood flow, reduced fibrous tissue formation, and improved nerve function.

Laser therapy relieves pain by increasing the release of beta endorphins and nitric oxide, decreasing bradykinin levels, and stabilizing the membrane potential of the nerve cells.

Laser Therapy Pricing

This pricing is based on the use of laser treatment outside of therapy. Prices will differ when insurance is billed for treatment as a part of Physical Therapy.

  • 1 Treatment Session – $20.00
  • 10 Treatment Sessions – $150.00

Instrument-Assisted Soft Tissue Mobilization (IASTM)

Instrument Assisted Soft Tissue Mobilization (IASTM) is a manual muscle therapy that is performed with ergonomically designed instruments. The specialists at OSTC are trained and certified to use these special tools. IASTM is beneficial for many patients and is often used in conjunction with therapeutic exercises, additional modalities, and other manual muscle therapies.

IASTM works by breaking down scar tissue and fascial restrictions. This is beneficial for increasing range of motion, increasing strength, reducing pain levels. Some common issues that would indicate a need to use IASTM are limited motion, pain during motion, motor control issues, or muscle recruitment issues.

Some common conditions that IASTM is used for are:
  • Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
  • Neck Pain
  • Plantar Fascitis
  • Tendinitis
  • Post-Surgical and Traumatic Scars
  • Musculoskeletal Imbalances
  • Chronic Joint Swelling
  • Ligament Sprains
  • Muscle Strains
  • Back Pain
  • Hip Pain
  • IT Band Syndrome
  • Shin Splints
  • Chronic Ankle Sprains

Blood Flow Restriction Therapy (BFR)

Blood Flow Restriction (BFR) training is a strategy that involves the use of cuffs or wraps placed around a limb during exercise. Pressure is increased in the cuff enough to restrict venous return, while allowing for arterial blood flow. The person is then asked to perform high rep exercises with a very low weight.

Multiple studies have proven that this training technique is useful in helping athletes and patients gain strength, power, and muscle size and reduce muscle atrophy following surgery.

Resistance training with low load weight training and BFR shows greater post-exercise muscle protein synthesis, higher growth hormone elevations, and more robust molecular signaling responses than conventional resistance training with a similar load.

At OSTC, therapists often use BFR to help athletes maintain muscular strength after ACL or Meniscal Knee surgery. This allows athletes to return to sports sooner!

M-Trigger Biofeedback Personal Device

M-Trigger uses surface EMG pads connected to a portable device to measure the electrical activity produced during a muscle contraction. The electrical activity can be monitored using an IPad or phone.

During your physical therapy session, the M-Trigger device may be used to help showcase performance in real time and get immediate feedback from your therapists. The M-Trigger motivates patients to control interactive biofeedback games and activities, allowing patients to play, train, and track their performance over the course of therapy. Patients can download an app to their phones and keep track of their own progress as well.

OSTC currently has 3 M-Trigger devices. These units are used in-house for physical therapy and often sent home with patients to help maximize a patient’s home exercise program.

One of the great benefits of M-Trigger is that it enables objective measure of muscular deficits. It is very easy to use, completely pain free, and allows for a visual and simple way to track progress.

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